About L2G

Level 2 Story

Keegan and Tom began Level 2 Gamers in February 2015. The plan was simple – start a YouTube channel around the world of video games. The two friends shared a love of video games and hoped their differing personalities would make for hilarious, yet balanced, commentary. The channel has gone through many iterations (and even a name change), but has always remained true to Keegan’s and Tom’s personality.

The channel offers various podcasts, gameplay videos, reviews, reaction videos, convention coverage, top fives, live streams, and more. Keegan and Tom are dedicated to ensuring their content remains relevant and exciting for their viewers. The Level 2 Gamers followers have lovingly become known as ‘The Legion” and are an amazing group of people. They even raised money to donate a PSVR to the channel, which is an essential instrument on the Level 2 Gamers channel. (Thanks again, Legion!)

Keegan and Tom enjoy going to industry conventions where, as a small fish in a big pond, they fight hard to bring their viewers the best of the show floor, cosplayers, artists, developers and, yes, even celebrities. Past interviews include Kevin Conroy (The voice of Batman), Loren Lester (The voice of Robin/Nightwing) and Michael Rooker (Walking Dead/Guardians of the Galaxy).

Keegan and Tom are passionate about video games and it shows in their videos. They’re sure you’ll find something you love here, and they hope you’ll join The Legion, too.

Thank you for choosing to spend time with Level 2 Gamers.

– L2G

Level 2 Mission

Level 2 Gamers enjoy giving back to their community. They’ve had two successful 24-hour charity streams, one for a local pet shelter and one for Able Gamers. They continue to donate to Able Gamers so everyone can game.

Level 2 Gamers also give back to their local YouTube community by sharing developer panels, supporting their local developers, indie developers, and sharing tips and tricks they’ve learned along their channel journey. In July 2017, they hosted their first panel on the struggles of being a small YouTube channel and how to overcome them.

Keegan and Tom have set their focus on only bringing amazing content to their viewers while shining a light on those who stand in the darkness. While the Level 2 channel may have started as a fun project, it has become about the followers, the games, and the people who make and play them.

Meet the Level 2 Gamers:

img_2008-e1497718700742.pngKeegan Via – An energetic lifeforce, video editor extraordinaire, & cartoon fanatic.



IMG_2017Tom – Grumpy British fella, avid gamer since the days of Commodore 64, & fan of all things Japanese.



Meet the Level 2 Staff:

unnamedEric – Degree in Animation and inspired by 8-bit and retro (50s-60s) design. Creator of an animated short intro, the current Level 2 channel intro and channel art.


Blue-1-SquareDrew (aka Blue) – Hosts ‘Gaming BlueMoon’ and friend of the show; discord admin and chat moderator for Level 2 live streams.


JesJes – Web admin/site manager, artist, wife of Tom, and all around awesome lady.



IMG_0812Murray & Kora – The official mascots of the Level 2 Gamers and the adorable fur-kids of Tom and Jes.



Meet the Level 2 Contributors

IMG_2723Dave (aka Mac ‘n Dave) – Part-time contributor to the Level 2 Channel and part of the Stream Team.



unnamed-2Nick – Co-Founder & Editor for ‘Game Away.’ He’s an avid gamer/Nintendo fan with a talent for voice acting. You can listen to his smooth voice on various podcasts and livestreams!


20170620_200805Seth (aka Tubin Monkey) – Affiliated Twitch streamer and YouTube personality, this Monkey hunts for the best moments to share live for your eyes.


IMG_0358 Josh Wade (aka Statix J) – A geek head gamer who has limitless forms of “good content,” including LPs, reviews, coverage of video game topics, skits and more.



Meet the Stream Team

IMG_2720Brian (aka Brain) – Part of the Stream Team.




IMG_2727James (aka Tigrato) – Part of the Stream Team and friend of the show. Hosts Tigratopower.



IMG_2731Cody – Hosts ‘The Dream Saga’ and a regular on the Stream Team.



People We Like

IMG_2725.PNGThe Casual Hour.




The Dream Saga.IMG_2733




IMG_2020Game Away.




FullSizeRenderTigrato Power.




photoTubin Monkey.




Statix J.IMG_0358




IMG_2117Thousand Faces Cosplay.