Theseus Quick Review

Theseus | Quick Review | Playstation VR + PS4 PRO

Forge Reply have been cooking something special up for PSVR fans, based on the legendary story of Theseus and the Minotaur.

The developers were kind enough to gift Level 2 with a key for the game, and the embargo lifts…..NOW!

To celebrate, here is a quick review, so you can decide if it’s worth picking up tomorrow when it gets it’s full nationwide release on 26th July, 2017.

Please enjoy!


Interested in learning more about this game? Check out the Reply Forge page for details.


ARMS Review

Nick at Games Away has created a stellar review of ARMS for Nintendo Switch. In this game, players uses extendable arms to fight their opponent in a 1-on-1 match, or in a 4-player, 2-on-2 battle. Check out Nick’s review.


Interested in buying this game? Check out the ARMS for Nintendo Switch page for details.

Review by Nick Markgraf. Click here to learn about Nick.